Hindu community is upset and feels that it is simply not fair for Hindu pupils in New York City (NYC) to be at school on their most popular festival Diwali coming Monday, while schools are closed around other religious days during the school-year. Hindu statesman...
Idea of a school holiday on Hindu festival of Diwali, which falls next Monday, seems to be gathering steam in various parts of the country. Over 79 public school districts in New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Virginia, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Maryland and Texas...
“World-Renowned” Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem (Massachusetts) seems to have withdrawn from its online shop the six plush toys featuring Hindu deities Krishna-Ganesh-Hanuman, after Hindus protested calling these “highly inappropriate”. These Hindu gods’...
Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, sending early Diwali greetings to 1.2 billion Hindus of the world, has urged them to take a vow of undertaking at least one charitable project during the coming year for less fortunate members of the community. Zed, who is the president of...
Upset Hindus are urging “World-Renowned” Peabody Essex Museum (PEM) in Salem (Massachusetts) to immediately withdraw from its shop and online the plush toys featuring Hindu deities Krishna-Ganesh-Hanuman, calling it highly inappropriate. Hindu statesman Rajan...
Hindu Society Harare (HSH) is presenting a four-hours long Diwali Mela (fair) on October 22 in Harare (Zimbabwe) celebrating Diwali, the most popular festival of Hindus. It will include fireworks, entertainment and food-stalls. Hindu statesman Rajan Zed, in a...